About the Course

This course is designed to educate and support parents of an adult child experiencing an eating disorder. It will help you to understand more about what is going on for your child, and how to best assist them during this difficult time.

  • 1


    • Introduction

    • Disclaimer

  • 2

    What is an Eating Disorder?

    • What is an Eating Disorder

    • DSM Diagnostic Criteria

  • 3

    What is it Like to Have an Eating Disorder?

    • What is it Like to Have an Eating Disorder

  • 4

    Accessing Support

    • Accessing Support

    • Additional Resources

  • 5

    Barriers to Recovery

    • Barriers to Recovery

    • Active Listening

    • Enhancing Motivation

  • 6

    Your Unique Role in Their Recovery

    • Your Unique Role in Their Recovery

  • 7

    Understanding the Body and Weight

    • Understanding the Body and Weight

    • Intuitive Eating

  • 8

    Practical Ways to Support Your Child

    • Practical Ways to Support Your Child

  • 9

    Looking After Yourself

    • Looking After Yourself

    • Relaxation Techniques

  • 10

    Transition Age Youth

    • Transition Age Youth

  • 11

    Caring Styles

    • Caring Styles

    • Caring Styles

  • 12

    Your Feedback Please

    • Your Feedback Please